你看她,对自然界一草一木、一鸟一虫之观察何其细微,对世间生命情境之感触保其敏锐,对远近物我之联想何其丰灵。诗之意境虽因诗人涉世尚浅还未臻浑阔,然而,它在清纯中透着锐远,在婉绵中含着韧拔。她的才分在入大学后很快就被她的老师、古典文学专家、诗人顾随先生发现了,这对于将整个身心扑在中国古典文学教研事业上的教师,其欣喜之情自可想见。自此之后,顾随先生不仅为青年学子叶嘉莹批改诗作,同时还从诸多方面给予嘉勉。这里有一段富有诗意的历史佳话不可不说。顾随先生一次在课堂上以雪莱(Shelley)的《西风颂》(Ode to thd Westwind)中的“假如冬天来了,春天还会远吗?”(If winter comes, can spring be far behind)的诗意写了两句词,“耐他风雪耐他寒,纵寒已是春寒了”。具有慧心的学子叶嘉莹用老师这两句词写成一阕《踏莎行》。
(department of Chinese, Hainan Normal University, Haikou 571158,Hainan)
Abstract:Ye Jia-ying’s academic achievements lie in his study of Chinese Ci and relevant issues. After decades of arduous study, Mr Ye has attained a thorough understanding of Chinese Ci in terms of form,connotation, category, distinctive features as well as Wang Jing-an’s Ci study, Mr Ye’s attainments are fully embodies in his proposition that yaomiaoyixiu is the typical aesthetic category whose mode of expression is the preferred state while spiritual aesthetic activity constitutes the motive force to inspire and prompt the aesthetic activity. Aang Jing-an has elaborated on the two concepts”yaomiaoyixiu”and “jingjie”in his works Renjianshihua, but he has been unable to integrate in his research the two terms. Based on the study by Wang Jing-an, Ye Jia-ying has advanced the term “ganfa”(spiritual aesthetic activity),thus making it possible to integrate the poet, readers and the poem and to cover the process from creation up to artistic appreciation. In short, “jingjie”,”yaomiaoyixiu”and “ganfa”are ,in fact, unified; for they reveal the most typical characteristics of traditional Chinese poetry as well as traditional Chinese art thought——trinity of object, subject and activity.