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Chinese classical esthetics research
From the Chinese calligraphy and painting art to Generalized Culture
ZOU Zhisheng 1
JIANG Shenghu 2
Department of Art & Design,Wuhan Polytechnic University,430023, Wuhan Hubei;2. Zhong Liu Carving Society, 430072, Wuhan Hubei)【Abstract】The artistic creation must have the science theory system to take the instruction and the support, Esthetics is the instruction of the artistic creation, but the ancient times Confucianism’s esthetics thought, Taoism's esthetics judgment and the Buddhism esthetics feeling became aware is our country’s calligraphy and painting art esthetics system source. Studies and develops the Chinese tradition esthetics thought, is the necessity of establish the suitable esthetics system for the new time art creation.
【key words 】Chinese calligraphy and painting, esthetics Confucians, Taoism Buddha imperial sacrifices