PLACE A portion of geographical space occupied by a person or thing. According to Heideger it is ‘that which places man in such a way that it reveals the external bonds of his existence and at the same time the depths of his freedom and reality’. It is a common formulation in humanistic geography, particularly in the work of Yi-Fu Tuan where it means ‘a centre of felt value’, i.e. a repository of meaning or an object of intentionality. R.J. Johnston (ed): The Dictionary of Human Geography, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986, p.346
3,人文地理学的方法。“地方”是晚近人文地理学的核心概念,尤其是强调了地方感和地方认同,即包含了地方意义、地方依附与情感、地方意象、乃至于地方是“在世存有”之所在的关切,以及符号学与后结构主义强调“空间”作为文本、符号、象征或论述再现的分析进路。Cresswell,Tim. 2004.Place:A Short Introduction. Oxford:Blackwell.
Donald,James and David Ley(eds). 1993.Place/Culture/Representation.London:Routlege.
Gottdiener, M.and Alexandros ph.Lagopoulos(eds).1986. The city and the Sign: An Introduction to Urban Semiotics. New Youk:Columbia Universty Press.