
标题: 青海湖国际诗歌节 [打印本页]

作者: 教师之友网    时间: 2012-2-8 21:06
标题: 青海湖国际诗歌节


In Appreciation of the Arch Motif of Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival
(QLIPF)青海湖国际诗歌节 主题赏析            People and Nature_--A Harmonious World
The only biennial festival dedicated to poetic art in China , and the only cultural event that takes place on the shores of Lake Koknor ,the birghtest jewery in the crown of the Qinghia -Tibet Plateau,QLIPF is international in scope,seeking to eulogize the last remaining Pure Land on this troubled planet and direct the world’s attention to the conservation of the earth’s third pole.In the meanwhile , it aims to refine one of the oldest humanistic endeavors and to pray for a world more ecofriendly and dedicated to the dignity of mankind.
Take the first festival for instance.The organizers saw it an opportunity to engage a dialogue in which poets of different races talked about how and why they wrote and thought about poetry in an age of mass cynicism and to discover the part poetry played in the lives of a diverse range of writers,(peak forum), to hear world class poets reading in an exotic and atmospheric lakeside venue(Qinghai Lake Poetry Evening), to experience a range of performances where music, film, dance and poetry work in unison( an extravaganza concert held in Xining entitled Poetic Qinghai-Harmonious World ), to call forth and collect poems done in praise of the scenic and holy Lake Koknor by arranging a host of study tours around the lake areas. The whole event climaxed in a highly emotional and symbolic ceremony of all the poets and writers present lining lakeside to proclaim a poetic manifesto.In one word, the simple aim of QLIPF was to celebrate poetry and nature together.
QLIPF 's job is to bring to highland the best of poets, and practitioners in related art forms worldwide. The successful inception in 2007 behind(240 poets from 35 countries and regions), QLIPF will contunue to feature a strong list of leading poets from China and all over the world for the forthcoming 2nd sesseion scheduled in 15,August 2009(300 poets from around 45 countries and regions). QLIPF intends to grow to be recognised as the major poetry event in China,ranking proudly among the most prestigious international counterparts: Poland . Warsaw's Autumn International Poetry Festival, Macedon . Struga International Poetry Festival, Holland . Amsterdam International Poetry Festival, Germany . Berlin International Poetry Festival, Italy . San Marino International Poetry Festival and Colombia . Medellin International Poetry Festival whose repute hinges by and large upon a special motif or a special raison detre for which they come into being and into their own.
The success story of the International Poetry Festival of Medellín comes easily to mind as it was granted The Alternative Nobel Prize 2006.Why?The host country Columbia, as we all know,has been bled by a perrenial war that has left half a million dead, devastated towns and barren fields. In point of fact,That country does not know peace since the victory of Simon Bolivar over Spain in the War of Independence in 1819 was won. There were nine main civil wars during the nineteenth century The International Poetry Festival of Medellín was founded in 1991 amid a situation of terror that strangled all citizens .In the words of The French poet Yves Bonnefoy “…in the frontiers of evil, in the line of battle against frauds and injustice.” Contrary to what most people have been brought up to believe,a cultural event like poetry readings,in vehment recognition of the historic role of poetry, in opposition to the culture of violence rooted in tyranny and worship of arms,has turned to be phenomenonally successful ,as the whole metroplis of violence and the capital of drug trafficking burns with the desire to listen to the voice of poetry and all the reading venues are fully packed .Reviewers are stunned to see a few verses can still mobilize and inspire people en mass as in Homeric times.The success story of Medelin is a telling proof when the latent forces of poetry are awakened,miracle can be achieved of cosmic proportion.
People may ask why another poetry festival in a place where peace has prevailed for almost 6o years like China?What is the raison detre of IQLPF? What has IQLPF learned from its Hispanic counterpart?For aside the quality and spirit of the festival,What adds special appeal to QLIPF is frankly its location-Qinghai Tibet Plateau.
This backwater region expereinces a growth rate unprecendented in hisotry in recent years,distinguished by a genuine drive to build a bright future by transforming challenges into opportunities to benefit its .5.5 million populace, although ways are being explored in all earnest of balancing between conservation and development ,between business and culture. But still the question lingers:Serving China’s and even Asia Water Tower,can this last Pure Land of mankind survive the scourge of globalization and industrialization?The strategic importance of the headwater plateau for almost half of the world population and the extreme fragile of its ecosystem renders human reason and intellect, at times too much exalted and exaggerated, a white elephant luxury.The obvious falling snow line on the Geladandong Ranges galciers where Yangtse River rises, and a Lake Koknor threatened repeatedly with increasing loss of surface area due to livestock over-grazing, land reclamations and natural causes pose but two of the most glaring nightmares to pilgrims circumambulating either the holy mountains or the lake
If a Pure Land in jepardy sounds the siren, it nevertheless offers solace to oveurbanized people from rich coastal cities or car plagured metroplis.For here on the plateau one captures a glipmse of the amazingly sprawling grassland ,bright green with many wild flowers and wildlife mixed in with snow capped mountains in the distance, and a full-fledging materialist marvels at the devout and zealous pilgrims prostrating at every six step over the coarse terrain and perhaps an intellectual of more spiritual bent comes on a field study trip to observe with his own eyes an Amdo nomadic clan people who still live in harmony with nature and who obviously enjoy communicating with the Elements: earth, air, water, fire and space, in a continuous, unceasing dialogue. To them, “nature is not a matter of intellection; it is a question of life here and now.” This is manifested in the rich legacy of their ritual practices and their devoutness of faith “which sacralize nature, so that man can live as an integral part of the universe.” The lives and lifestyles of these highland Mohigans begin to acquire a renewed meaning on account of what man has done to pollute, contaminate, deacralize and desecrate the very fundamentals that sustain him and make it possible for him to live on the earth.
Precisely driven by this universally hot concern,the frist IQLPF was wise indeed to present its first forum entiteld “Man and Nature-a Harmonious World”,trying to vindicate and pacify our innermost desire of searching for and rejoining a lost world by soliciting the voice and opinion of poets.For somewhat the organizers are still innocent to believe poets are still the best teachers who can see the world in a grain of sand and who are the best interpreters of the yearning of a nation broken by commercialism and cynicism. Of course,IQLPF are fully aware of the fact poetry cannot contain the genie in the bottle and save the world.But poetry can help when politicans and entrepreneurs take this wonderful opportunity ,all eyes and ears,of hearing what the poets have to say about our world in disarray where matter overwhelms spirit and when lay people of the civic society ,not tasked with empowering the society to change the set course of action,will surely at least be delighted and surprised to gain an intimation of the tenacity of culture represented by poetry and the unity of mankind highlghted by a shared presence aound Lake Kok Nor...Poetry is a potent force of liberation.Culture is a magical agent of change.
Globalization and commercialization attempt to strike culture because ”they constitute a power,” and indeed ,a tyranny in themselves, since “they are formed by the values and symbols with which peoples identify in a given moment of human history.” But when the transforming values and emancipating poetic symbols are exemplified ,the enlightenment of the peoples occurs, their perceptions sharpened, and their humanity awakened and affirmed,
IQLPF finds its sacred and historic vocation by restoring the collective historical memory of our peoples with nature, exalting the human rightful needs to the supply of of “blue sky,clean water and fertile soil”,developing a general cultural resistance, bringing the vision of an ethical horizon to the forefront consciousness of the civic society,” in a united world of justice, beauty and solidarity.” The efforts of the organizers of IQLPF ,among others are encouraging. It proves that the growth path is not the only way to reach happiness.Furthermore,it argues that even earthy bliss is ridiculous without a green and clean ecosystem and that a civilized and dramatic dialogue involving all sectors of the society to restore the balance of nature can recover a new and better impetus. The clamoring for an immediate ecofriedly crusade must be heard. It argues forcibly that we humans can not be condemned to suffer the terrible dillema of living in the shadows of either growth or pollution. Time comes for us to achieve harmony with Mother Nature, with no ambiguity whatever, so that we and our children, and our children’s children can cope with life –the most sacred thing on earth with honor,dignity and an imaginative power of art and poetry ever after. In the words of the mastermind of this poetry festival, chairman of the organizing committee,Gidimajia,a renowned poet of Yi ethic group and deputy governor of Qinghai Province,
“For the sake of our responsibility,for the mission of this vital human art,we will keep up our warm entreaties with the Muses relentlessly.Never foresake us.Give us inspiration and render us vulnerable to your charm so that here and now,in face of the holy Lake Koknore,we resolve and pray:
Let Mother Nature be deeply revered.
Let life in all shapes loose and free
Let civilization be held in genuine sanctity
And finally let poetry retake root in human hearts.”
It would be hard to make a more convincing argument for the value of poetry, “in face of gargutuan destructiveness of man towards Mother nature ,” in the teeth of mass insensitity to art,or otherwise

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