Tomorrow, over 9 million Chinese students will take the gaokao, the country's grueling college entrance exam. On that day, construction crews across China will be silenced. Police will clear roadways for throngs of parents and students. And at 9am, millions of students will start scribbling in unison over an exam that many have dreaded for years.
The test is all-important to families across China, where schools have been known to offer students intravenous drips in the classroom and cities have issued strict noise ordinances to prevent rogue honking or construction sounds from marring students' concentration. Local newspapers are regularly filled with stories of student suicides around this time of the year.
Yet according to new research conducted for workspace provider Regus, at least when it comes to getting a job in China, such an overriding emphasis on getting into a top-ranked school may be misplaced.
According to the survey, only 9% of mainland companies polled consider educational background their top hiring criterion. The survey also found that what companies value most is practical, on-the-ground experience--such as internships--something that nearly 30% of respondents listed as their top priority when evaluating potential employees.
'Mainland employers used to be seen as some of the most conservative in Asia. These findings raise a question mark over whether that is still the case,' said Sidney Yuen, of human resources consultancy NorthgateArinso. These days, Mr. Yuen said, attitudes toward the value of a prestigious degree, among such other traditionally valued attributes, are 'gradually being usurped by personal aptitudes, such as the ability to innovate and adapt to change.'
Personality and foreign-language skills were each cited by 21% of mainland employers as their key hiring criterion.
Seven out of ten companies polled said they intended to hire fresh graduates this year. However, given the nearly 7 million jobseekers who will graduate this year, competition for jobs is fierce--giving rise in recent years to the moniker 'ant tribe,' a term coined to describe the armies of educated youth who move to expensive big cities and, frustrated by the lack of promising job opportunities, end up living together in cramped apartments.
Conducted earlier this year, the Regus study surveyed over 330 business executives concentrated in major Chinese cities in information technology, consulting and manufacturing industries. The emphasis on internship experience, not educational background, was even more pronounced among IT industry employers such as Daniel Yen, who owns the tech start-up Digital Marketing ROI. 'We hire those who are technically good,' says the Hong Kong-based Mr. Yen, who cites such practical skills as the factor he most values.
Second on his list, though, is personality, says Mr. Yen. 'We look for great attitude--there's no way around it.'On education, he says, what's important is having a broad world viewpoint: 'Are they consuming local content and therefore oblivious to everywhere else?'
Mr. Yen, whose company of 10 is currently filling new positions in Hong Kong, suggests that recent graduates would also be helped if they learned to better fine-tune their job applications. Sometimes he gets exhaustive resumes running as long as six pages and dating all the way back to where they went to primary school. And only about 10% of the applicants he sees are properly qualified for the jobs he posts, he said.
人力资源顾问公司安瑞雅(NorthgateArinso)的Sidney Yuen说,大陆雇主过去常常被视为是亚洲最保守的,而调查结果则对如今是否依然如此划上了一个问号。他说,现如今,对名校学位等传统价值的态度开始逐渐转为对个人水平的看重,包括创新能力和适应能力。
Regus这份调查是在今年早些时候进行的,调查对象主要是在中国大城市从事信息技术、咨询和制造等行业的超过330名企业高管。他们看重的是求职者的实习经历,而不是学历背景,这一点对于Daniel Yen等IT业雇主来说表现得更为明显。Yen常驻香港,是科技初创企业Digital Marketing ROI的老板。他说:我们招那些技术好的人。他表示,求职者的实践技能是他最看重的。