事典 辞典
Brian Doyle, The Who’s Who of Children’s Literature , Hugh Evelyn,1968
Margery Fisher, Who’s Who in Children’s Books, A treasury of the familiar characters, The H.W. Wilson Company, 1978
John Cech , American Writes for Children, 1900-1960,Gale, 1983
D.C. Kirkpatrick, Twentieth Century Children’s Writers, 2edn. , Macmillan, 1983
H. Carpenter and M .Brichard , The Oxford Companion to Children’s Literature, Oxford Univ. Press
Judith St. John, The Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books, 1566-1910, Toronto Public Library,1958
S. Roscoe, John Newbery and His Successors, 1740-1814
A. Bibliography, Five Owls Press Ltd., 1973
Judith St. John, The Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books 1476-1910 Vol.2 ,Toronto Public Library,1975
总论 入门书
Marcus Crouch, Treasure Seekers and Borrowers , Children’s books in Britain,1900-1960,The Library Association,1962
Marcus Crouch, The Nesbit Tradition, The children’s Novel 1945-1970, Ernest Benn, 1972
Alec Ellis, How to find out about Children’s Literature,1966, 3rd edn., Pergamon Press, 1973
Zena Sutherland and May Hill Arbuthnot, Children and Books, 5th edn., Scott, Foresman and Co.,1977
Cornelia Meigs , A. T. Eaton, E. Nesbit and R.H. Viguers , A Critical History of Children’s Literature ,1953,rev.edn.,The Macmillan Company , 1969
Maurice Saxby, A History of Australian Children’s Literature,1841-1941,1969,A History of Australian Children’s Literature, 1941-1970,Wentworth,1971
Mary F.. Thwaite, From Primer to pleasure in Reading 1963, 2nd edn., The Library Association,1972
F.J. Harrey Darton , Children’s Books in England, Five Centuries of Social Life , 3edn. revised by Brian Alderson, Cambridge Univ. Press,1982
John Rowe Townsend ,Written for Children, 3edn., Penguin Books,1987
Dorothy Neal White, About Books for Children, Oxford Univ. Press, 1946
Dorothy Neal White, Books before five, New Zealand Council for Educational Research, 1954
Percy Muir, English Children’s books , 1600-1900,Batsford, 1954
B.M. Miller and E.W. Field, ed. by , Newbery Medal Books, 1922-1955,The Horn Book,1955
Irene Smith, A History of The Newbery and Caldecott Medals, Viking, 1957
B.M. Miller and E.W. Field, ed. by, Caldecott Medal Books, 1938-1957, The Horn Book, 1957
Margery Fisher, Intent Upon Reading 1961, second edn., Brockhampton Press ,1964