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Outward Bound U.S.A.

发表于 2012-10-18 00:41:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Outward Bound U.S.A.
----Learning Through Experience in Adventure-Based Education
作者:Miner, Joshua L
出版社:Wm. Morrow & Co., Inc., 105 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016
主要内容:Joshua Miner recounts his 30 years' experience with people and places significant to the history of Adventure-Based Education and Outward Bound in the United States. Fourteen Outward Bound schools visited or assisted by Miner are described in chapters recording events such as the school's inception, daily activities, individuals enrolled, and significant experiences or efforts at the school contributing to the growth of Outward Bound. Prominent individuals influencing adventure-based education and their contributions are identified and include: Kurt Hahn, the founder of Outward Bound; Fred Lanoue who devised the drownproofing technique; Charles Froelicher, founder of Outward Bound in the U. S.; and Rev. William Coffin, overseer of Peace Corps training using Outward Bound techniques. Four chapters recall stages and events leading to Outward Bound's work with juvenile delinquents, young women, the disadvantaged, and adjudicated youth. Other chapters (Into the Education Mainstream, Alternate Semester, College Orientation, Upward Bound & Outward Bound, and Project Adventure) present various schools' approaches to Outward Bound and recount how the approaches were initiated, citing students' personal feelings and describing enlightening events that occurred as a result of Outward Bound in schools. The last two chapters conclude with Outward Bound's mission and accomplishments.

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