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一节英语写作课:人教版Go for it!九年级

发表于 2012-12-6 10:43:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
一节英语写作课:人教版Go for it!九年级  作者:李 虹  
  人教版Go for it!九年级Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks的话题是提供帮助。Section A 1a,1b,1c通过听的方式获取信息,了解我愿意做什么和可以提供什么帮助之间的关系,初步认知几组短语动词,如help ... with ...,give out,clean up,cheer up等,并认知句型I’d like to do sth. 和You could do sth.。2a,2b,2c通过听的方式获取信息,通过写的方式加深对几组短语动词用法的了解,如come up with,put off,think up,put up,hand out,call up等,并认知句型I’ll do sth.,We could do sth.,We need to do sth.,We can’t do sth. 等。3a,3b,3c,4通过阅读的方式获取信息,练习迅速发现我愿意做什么和能提供什么帮助信息点能力,并掌握“I’d like to do sth, but I’m not sure what to do. What do you like doing? I love do sth. You could do sth.”对话的模式。Section B 1a,1b,2a,2b,2c先通过阅读认知几组知语动词,如:run out of,take after,fix up,give away等,并造句应用;然后通过听加深对这几组短语动词用法的掌握,初步认识单句成篇的过程。3a,3b,4通过阅读获取信息,练习迅速发现问题和解决方法的能力,掌握“说明问题和解决方法”类短文的写作方法。Self Check 1,2进一步巩固对短语动词give away,take after,come up with,give out,hang out和“说明问题和解决方法”类短文写作方法的掌握。本着短语———句型———单句———篇章的写作训练方法和教材内容的分布情况,本节写作课拟教授内容是Section B 1a,1b,2a,2b,3a,3b和Self Check 2。
  Step 1 Leading in
  T: Good morning, boys and girls.
  Ss: Good morning, Ms Li.
  T: On Monday, we studied the Section A of Unit 8. I’d like to listen to your daily-report on your Monday study. We have got only two minutes. Any volunteer?
  S1: I learned several phrasal verbs, such as come up with, put off, think up ...
  S2: And put up, hand out ...
  S3: Call up ...
  S4: I have learned two sentence patterns: I’d like to do... You could do...
  S5: Four more: I’ll do sth., We could do sth., We need to do sth. We can’t do sth. ...
  T: Great! Today, we are going to learn more phrasal verbs and we are expected to write an article to intro-duce the ways of what to do and how to do it.
  Step 2 Presentation and Practicing
  T: Here are eight sentences numbered with 1~4 and a~d. Match the sentences with similar meanings, pay attention to the phrasal verbs and their changes.
  T: Finished? Tell us your answers.
  Ss: Sentence 1 has the same meaning with Sentence b ... We can express the same meaning with several ways. We have got four more phrasal verbs: run out of(用完), take after(长得像), fix up(修理), give away(赠送).
  T: Good! Have you noticed the Sample 1 in 1b? Make sentences with these four phrasal verbs according to the sample structure.
  S1: I run out of my patience.
  S2: I take after my uncle.
  S3: I am going to fix up my bicycle at noon.
  T: We can make sentences with my own ideas, this is the first step to write an article. The following is a short passage introducing Jimmy. The passage will tell us the second step to write an article. Listen carefully.
  T: Tell us what you’ve heard with a complete sentence.
  S1: Jimmy fixes up bicycles.
  S2: Jimmy has run out of money.
  T: Are you sure what you have heard is correct? The passage tells us something about Jimmy with several sentences. It is the second step to introduce someone with complete sentences each of which gives us some information about Jimmy. Now, read the passage and sort out the things that Jimmy did to solve his problem.
  T: Tell us your notes.
  S1: He put up some signs.
  S2: He hanged out advertisements at a local super-market.
  S3: He told the teachers about his problem.
  T: Could you give me some clues to the text? For example, the passage firstly introduce ... and secondly ...
  S1: The text might be divided into three parts.
  S2: The first part leads us into the story.
  S3: The second part introduce what problems Jimmy is facing and what ideas he has taken to solve these problems.
  T: You are expected to learn to write a text. Now, you’ve got a writing style of the three-part structure. I’d like you to tell me a complete story about Sally with the language materials in Self Check 2. Three people are expected to be in one group. Each one tells one part.
  S1: Sally is a young woman who wants to be a pro-fessional singer.
  S2: She sings at a local hospital as a volunteer.
  S3: She also sings at schools.
  Step 3 Homework
  T: We’ve learned how to write an anticle: the first step is to make sentences with our own ideas; the second step is to introduce someone with complete sentences each of which gives us some information; the third step is to write a three-part article. So, you are expected to an article with the notes you’ve collected.

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