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发表于 2012-1-16 13:34:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
当代中国中小学音乐教材研究 中英文摘要
作者:范元玲    时间:2008-2-

学位授予单位 东北师范大学   
中文关键词 教材;中小学音乐教材;课程改革   
导师 尹爱青   
论文级别 硕士   
学科专业名称 音乐学   
中文摘要 当代世界教育与课程改革势不可挡,我国中小学音乐教材应当顺应历史潮流进行相应的变革,音乐教材的研究工作在教材的改革中起到至关重要的作用。本文试图运用文献研究法、分析研究法、比较研究法、调查研究法等教育科学研究方法,从三个方面对当代中国中小学音乐教材进行理论及实践研究。第一章,绪论部分。 本章主要阐述了作者进行中小学音乐教材研究的背景及原因。当代世界教育改革要求课程与教材进行变革,旧的音乐教材已经不适应当代中小学音乐课程的发展和趋势,我国现今中小学音乐教材研究工作跟不上音乐课程发展和改革的步伐,基于以上原因,中小学音乐教材研究至关重要。第二章,本论部分。 本章是论文的主体部分,着重从三个方面论述了作者对中小学音乐教材的研究。首先,从教材本体出发,论述了音乐教材在教学活动中的地位及作用,以及音乐教材与教学活动内部其他各因素之间的关系:其次,论述了当代中国中小学音乐教材的发展历史及现状,力图从教材外部即社会与环境的角度证明音乐教材的发展应当符合各个时期的音乐教育观念及社会发展规律;再次,通过对新旧中小学音乐教学大纲、音乐教材的对比,从中看出音乐教材在内容和形式等方面的变化,总结出音乐教材的发展规律。第三章,结论部分。 本章是作者对中小学音乐教材发展规律的总结性表述,并且通过对音乐教材规律的掌握,归纳总结出适应当代音乐课程发展的实施策略——音乐教材编写原则和音乐教材评价原则。 总之,音乐教材的研究工作不应停止,应当随着教育科学不断的发展而不断的进步和完善,并且应当随时为音乐教材的建设工作提供理论依据。   
英文摘要 When the innovation of the education and the curriculum of the world are coming at present, the music teaching materials in primary and secondary school of our country should adapt to the current change. The research of the music materials in the innovation has very important effect. This paper tries to use the research means of literatures, analysis, comparison, and investigation to research into the theory and practice of the music teaching materials in China. The first chapter is introduction. This chapter mainly elaborates the background and reason of the research. Now the old music teaching materials do not adjust the trend of curriculum development, and the research do not keep up with the steps of reform. Based on these, the investigation of the elementary music teaching materials becomes vital. The second chapter is statement and discussion. The chapter is the principal part of the whole paper, and it discusses the research of the teaching materials by three aspects, (a). From the teaching materials itself, we know clearly the status and function of it in the music teaching activity, and understand the relation of the teaching materials and the other teaching factors, (b). By introducing the history and the present situation of the music teaching materials, the paper proves the rules of the development of it. (c). Compared with the new and the old, we can know the variety of the content and form of the music teaching materials. The third chapter is conclusion. This part summarizes the issue of the article, and brings forward a way of operation - the write and evaluate principle. In a word, the research of the music teaching materials cannot stop, and it should gradually develop, progress, and be perfect.   
DOI CNKI::CDMD:10200.2.2002.1816   
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