Fallacies in Tourist Literature Translation
A tremendous increase in tourist literature, though of deplorable quality, has been recorded since China’s implementation of the reform and open door policy in the late 1970.To address the most flagrant wrongs, Mr Duan lian chen and Mr Shen Su ru co-advocated ,in 1990,the reader-response strategy of interpretative translation in favor of a freer handling of the Chinese originals.. Yet word for word stilted translation is still the order of the day By paying a lip service to the brilliant idea of interpretative translation. most of the “politically correct” researchers,however, demonstrate rather undesirable credentials in writing in ludicrously ineffectual English prose, thus substantially offsetting their sincerity and efficacy in the advocacy of interpretative translation. As remedy, the author of this paper presents a version of TV script done in the spirit of interpretative translation for critical appraisal
所谓旅游资料的翻译,主要是指旅游城市,旅游热点历史沿革及景物名胜的汉译外介绍,国内统称对外宣传品。国内学界一般认为语体应界于广告英语和文学创作。关于广告英语的操作,香港广告界大师黄霑称之为‘创造性演绎。(creative interpretation )”(1)(1998/p55)而文学创作,则非生动,畅达,富于创意和感染力的文字莫属。否则,不易达到吸引游客,激发他们参观景点的兴趣,增长他们对中国历史文化的了解。
自90年会议后,翻译界对解释性翻译基本上给予了肯定。王大伟的《现代汉英翻译技巧》第二章第二节专门讨论了解释性翻译,即对译文进行必要加工使之成为流畅的英文的原则性主张(3)(1999/p266)。新近刚刚付梓的《翻译变体研究》(4)(2000/p26 )(就书面形式而言,全译为正,任何部分或节译均视为变体)总结了现时翻译界常用的12种变译手段或策略,即摘译,编译,缩译,改译,阐译,参译,综述,述评,译评,译写等。变体研究是具有开创意义的工作,它把国内翻译界习焉不察的一个惊人的事实揭示在我们眼前:其实我们自觉不自觉,每个人都在进行大量的变译,而我们多数人始终如一地坚持用全译的标准(如信达雅,其理论基础不外是前语言学的训话,考据,)规范,判断翻译实践。在应用层次,92年结集的《中译英技巧文集》一书刊登了闵大勇的《旅游翻译初探》,蒲元明的《谈谈旅游资料英译的几个问题》。96年《中国翻译》刊登了刘惠梅,杨寿康的《从文化角度看旅游资料翻译》(5(1996/p10),通观上述种种论述,文献,可以看出解释性翻译的主张俨然已成为对外宣传的共识。然而,正如香港陈善伟先生所批评的(6)(1989/p145),国内一向理论与实际脱节,新主张固然能大行其道,旧式的硬译,死译,在信达雅的虎皮大旗下人多势众,浩浩荡荡,一仍其旧。10年过去了,对外宣传的脏乱差并没有重大改观,汗牛充吨的对外宣传资料仍然有伤大雅,洋像百出,不忍卒读。
Rules for good verse they first with pain indite Then show us what is bad,by what they write.
Near the forest is the White Dragon Cave which is said to be the very place where lady white ,the legendary heroine of the story of the white Snake, cultivated herself according to Buddhist doctrine.
This stupa in Yifeng county is for Monk Liangjia,the founder of Caodong sect.The forest of stupas here is quite different in style from that in Shaolin temple on the Songshan Mountain..
A new land crisscrossed with fields,bright sunshine,gentle breeze,cocks crowing ,dogs barking,birds singing and flowers blooming.
The hills overshadow the lake, and the lake reflects the hills .They are in perfect harmony, and more beautiful than a picture.
Hello ,friends, the west lake ,like a beautiful oriental girl, is glad to meet you, happy to see you in china after a long and most probably tiresome journey flying over the mountains and the seas. as everybody in China knows :”in heaven there is paradise, on earth there are Suchou and Hanchou: The west lake is a holiday paradise in the eyes of the Chinese people, the pride of the oriental civilization.
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诚如思果先生所言,异质文化交流中的译入译出,由于文化之间的巨大差异,先天地决定了绝大多数译者的比较优势,从而也注定了其策略选择。霍克斯David.Hawkes译红楼梦,不屑请教任何中国学者,他的国文修养太深了,他才敢于说:”translating everything”‘同理,付雷译巴尔扎克“可能有看错的地方,法国的汉学家可以一一指出,可是那种译文,他们任何一位也休想译出。”由于先天的比较优势(“汉语在我们的血里”),文化传统的浸染,加上个人的敏慧,勤奋,近一个世纪以来,译坛(外译中)涌现了一大批成就不遑原作的译林名家,如付雷,朱生豪,查良铮,飞白,叶君健,。。。但在中译外方面,除了已故的辜鸿鸣,林语堂,诗歌(唐诗译英译法)唯有许渊冲先生殊可相颉一抗。许先生的三美说(意,形,音),换了别人,又是一例“英雄欺人之语”,但有了先生的锦心绣手,精心经营,却也别有洞天,气象万千。像Heaven has made us talent,/We’re not made in vain天生我材必有用 from hill to hill/no bird in flight/,from path to path,/no man insight千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭. A maiden of the Yangs ,to womanhood just grown? In inner chambers bred ,to the world unknown.杨家有女初长成,养在深闺人未识 In lotus curtain she spent the night blessed.芙蓉帐暖度春宵
青海西宁电视片译例举要A. 西宁,古称湟中、西平、鄯州、青唐城,距今已有二千一百多年历史。它扼青藏高原的东方门户,自古享有“西海锁钥”之称,在中国西北地区堪称交通军事重镇,是历史上西羌、吐谷浑、吐蕃、蒙古等少数民族地方政权与中原王朝争夺的古战场。 东关清真大寺
A. 东关清真大寺,位于西宁市东大街,是我国西北地区最有影响的四大清真寺之一,历史六百多年。通常,有三千余名伊斯兰教徒在这里顶礼膜拜。
A 15 minutes' stroll from Dashizi brings one to Dongguan Grand Mosque ,which is situated on the Mid-east avenue .One of the most famous “Fours”in the Northwest,this 600-year old Mecca for Chinese Muslims has been a model of survival against high odds,bearing testimony to the select muslims' firmness in faith and steadfastness in purpose. Every Friday,at the Muessein's call to prayer from the minaret,thousands upon thousands of Allah's faithfuls gather here to have their souls cleansed and their piety tempered again.
从大十字向东,沿东大街漫步十五分钟后你就来到了东关清真大寺。作为中国西北地区四大名寺,它不啻是中国伊斯兰心目中的麦加。这座始建于六百年前的清真圣地,历经世代风云而巍然挺立,是西宁数万穆民信坚志诚活生生的见证。每逢周五的“主麻日”,大寺的宣礼塔上传来阿訇高亢、激扬的宣礼声,成千上万的安拉的信众齐聚一堂,匐匍在地,对高居冥冥之上的真主顶礼膜拜,清心明志。 虎台
A. 南凉国王挥师出征前检阅军队的点将台。史载,一度十分强大的南凉国曾在此陈兵十万,雄视中原。
Early in the 4th century AD,a frontier tribal confe- deration joint hands to add one more political sparkle to the barren highland skyline,with Ledu as capital and Nanlian to be addressed to. This huge earthy mound,rising from a vast elevated terrace used to be the royal rostrum. Standing on "Tiger Rostrum”the king proudly reviewed his impetuous cavalrymen,in full battle procession ready to embark on an expedition of pillage and plunder .History has it that Nanlian was once reckoned to be one of the most hated foes eyeing covetously the riches of the middle kingdom frm the roof of the world. 公元四世纪,高原荒凉的天际线上闪烁着一簇耀眼的政治火花,它象征着西北边塞以一个马上民族建国立业的短暂而又轰轰烈烈的尝试。这个政权就是南凉,定都乐都,南凉则是它正式的通信地址。
In prehistoric eons,Xining Basin is described by geologists as a colossal salt lake. Its sheer size and variety would astound modern residents of today. Eventually some cosmic forces were at work Large expanse of waters began to dry up and shrink. The land emerged-a land endowed with fertile soils that made farming possible,a land rich in flora and fauna in incredible abundance ,a land synonymous with mineral deposits underneath waiting the touch of a human hand.
Over 300000 people visit Qinghai lake,the largest saline inland lake in China (4635sq.km),200 kilometers west of Xining .A good reason for touring the lake is birding as the most famous provincial wildlife sanctuary,Bird Island,lies inlaid like a pearl in the middle of the lake. Every April and Autumn,this small isle tells the exciting story of waves of migratory birds and waterfowls,gulls,cormorants,wild gooses,swans, black-necked cranes from south China and south Asia,who take refuge here, breed their young and then gone are with the winds,Bird lovers journey here to have a taste of the scenes before the changes of 20th century alter irrevocably much of the timeless beauty and tranquility of these places. They want to experience ways of life that endure through time barely touched by the modern world.
每年约有三十万中外游客驱车前往约距西宁200公里的中国最大的咸水湖(4635平方公里)----青海湖一饱游兴。 畅游青海湖最重要的理由是观鸟。这是因为本省最大的野生动物保护区----鸟岛恰好位于湖的中心位置。每年初春至立秋时节,这不足一平方公里的小岛,象一位羞涩的少女,在向游客娓娓低语,讲着一个亘古如新的故事,故事的主角就是来自华南或南亚的10万多只候鸟,白头鸥、黑颈鹤,还有神奇的白天鹅,它们在这里短暂栖息,匆匆繁衍,而后又一次遵循造物主为他们所设定的遗传程序随风而去。
_ 参考文献
7, 英语写作纵横谈,毛贵荣主编,上海外语教育出版社,1998年2月,序言
Xining found its place on the map as early as 121 BC when the ambitious Han emperors first garrisoned here in expansionist adventures westward. Its importance has always been appreciated as one of the major caravan gateways for trade between East and West as well as the sole eastern entrance into the Qinghai-Tibetan Highland It is not hard to imagine that since ancient times, this land had been ferociously ravaged by wars between a host of aboriginal tribes and ethnic groups who battled for supremacy among themselves and with the royal infantry from the middle kingdom. The first military fortress established here was called“xipingting”(Western Peace Pavilion) then altered into shanzhou until this nomenclature game came full circles to its starting point“xining which means“Western Peace” B.直到相当晚近--即公元前121年,西宁才在中央王国的版图上找到一个坐标。当时,雄心勃勃的汉朝皇帝东讨西征,拓边的大军在这湟水之滨建立了一个边塞驿站,史称“西平亭”。作为古代东西方商旅通道之一,青藏高原的东方门户,西宁自古享有“西海锁钥”的美称。历史上,西羌、吐谷浑、吐蕃、蒙古等一系列马上民族在这里战火频仍,同时和来自中原的帝国步兵们兵争不已。这个古代交通军事重镇先后几易其名:“湟中”、“鄯州”“青塘城”。这种命名游戏最后终于回复到最初的起点“西宁”即“西方的宁静”。
Since the founding of PRC and the implementation of the Party's reform and open door policy in the late 1970s,the rigor of the old walled garrison has been replaced by the aroma of a thriving city of today.The perpetual tide of change has created a modern Highland life characterized by a robust economy a stable community a brisk marketplace as well as an uplifting culture.