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发表于 2012-2-12 01:47:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


(华盛顿综合电)美国一名电脑系教授兰迪·波斯在获知自己患上末期癌症几周后,发表了励志感人的讲座“最后一课”,因而举世闻名。他所任教的卡耐基·梅隆大学说,波斯于上个星期五(也就是2008年7月25日)在维吉尼亚州的家中,因胰脏癌并发症逝世,终年48岁。医生在去年8月诊断他只剩下3到6个月的生命时间,不过,他却比医生所预测的多活了5个月。波斯从1997年起,就在卡耐基·梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)担任电脑科学系讲师。他也是虚拟科技的先锋,并且还撰写了《世界百科全书》的“虚拟科技”条目。



It’s wonderful to be here. What Indira didn’t tell you is that this lecture series used to be called the Last Lecture. If you had one last lecture to give before you died, what would it be? I thought, damn, I finally nailed the venue and they renamed it.

So, you know, in case there’s anybody who wandered in and doesn’t know the back story, my dad always taught me that when there’s an elephant in the room, introduce them. If you look at my CAT scans, there are approximately 10 tumors in my liver, and the doctors told me 3-6 months of good health left. That was a month ago, so you can do the math. I have some of the best doctors in the world. 所以,你看,我就怕万一有人随便走进来,却不知道背景故事就不好了。我父亲总是教导我说,如果有事情在眼前,没有办法忽略的话,那就把事情合盘托出好了。大家看一下给我做的电脑CT,我的肝脏里有大概十个肿瘤了,医生跟我说,我的身体还能保持健康状态3到6 个月。说这话时是一个月前的事儿,所以诸位可以算一下我还有多长时间保持健康状态。给我看病的那些医生,都是世界上最好的医生了。

So that is what it is. We can’t change it, and we just have to decide how we’re going to respond to that. We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. If I don’t seem as depressed or morose as I should be, sorry to disappoint you. And I assure you I am not in denial. It’s not like I’m not aware of what’s going on. My family, my three kids, my wife, we just decamped. We bought a lovely house in Chesapeake, Virginia, near Norfolk, and we’re doing that because that’s a better place for the family to be, down the road. And the other thing is I am in phenomenally good health right now. I mean it’s the greatest thing of cognitive dissonance you will ever see is the fact that I am in really good shape. In fact, I am in better shape than most of you. So anybody who wants to cry or pity me can come down and do a few of those, and then you may pity me.

All right, so what we’re not talking about today, we are not talking about cancer, because I spent a lot of time talking about that and I’m really not interested. If you have any herbal supplements or remedies, please stay away from me. And we’re not going to talk about things that are even more important than achieving your childhood dreams. We’re not going to talk about my wife, we’re not talking about my kids. Because I’m good, but I’m not good enough to talk about that without tearing up. So, we’re just going to take that off the table. That’s much more important. And we’re not going to talk about spirituality and religion, although I will tell you that I have experienced a deathbed conversion: I just bought a Macintosh! Now I knew I’d get 9% of the audience with that. But, all right, so what is today’s talk about then? It’s about my childhood dreams and how I have achieved them.

I’ve been very fortunate that way. How I believe I’ve been able to enable the dreams of others, and to some degree, lessons learned. I’m a professor, there should be some lessons learned and how you can use the stuff you here today to achieve your dreams or enable the dreams of others. And as you get older, you may find that enabling the dreams of others thing is even more fun.

So what were my childhood dreams? Well, you know, I had a really good childhood. I mean, no kidding around. I was going back through the family archives, and what was really amazing was, I couldn’t find any pictures of me as a kid where I wasn’t smiling. And that was just a very gratifying thing. There was our dog, right? Aww, thank you. And there I actually have a picture of me dreaming. And I did a lot of that. You know, there’s a lot of wake up’s! It was an easy time to dream. I was born in 1960. When you are 8 or 9 years old and you look at the TV set, men are landing on the moon. Anything’s possible, and that’s something we should not lose sight of, that the inspiration and the permission to dream is huge.

So what were my childhood dreams? You may not agree with this list, but I was there. Being in zero gravity, playing in the National Football League, authoring an article in the World Book Encyclopedia – I guess you can tell the nerds early. Being Captain Kirk, anybody here have that childhood dream? Not at CMU, no. I wanted to become one of the guys who won the big stuffed animals in the amusement park, and I wanted to be an Imagineer with Disney. These are not sorted in any particular order, although I think they do get harder, except for maybe the first one.

OK, so being in zero gravity. Now it’s important to have specific dreams. I did not dream of being an astronaut, because when I was a little kid, I wore glasses and they told me oh, astronauts can’t have glasses. And I was like, mmm, I didn’t really want the whole astronaut gig, I just wanted the floating. So, and as a child, prototype 0.0.

But that didn’t work so well, and it turns out that NASA has something called the Vomit Comet that they used to train the astronauts. And this thing does parabolic arcs, and at the top of each arc you get about 25 seconds where you’re ballistic and you get about, a rough equivalent of weightlessness for about 25 seconds. And there is a program where college students can submit proposals and if they win the competition, they get to fly. And I thought that was really cool, and we had a team and we put a team together and they won and they got to fly. And I was all excited because I was going to go with them.
但那东西不灵。后来知道美国宇航局有种用来训练宇航员的飞机,叫“呕吐彗星”。它以抛弧线飞行,从每个弧顶起,大约25 秒的时间,开始弹道式俯冲,大致相当于失重25 秒。宇航局有个项目,大学生可以就此项目提出各种建议,如果建议得到高分,就能上去飞一把。当时我觉得,这太“酷”了。我们就组织个团队,整个团队一起往上拼,结果赢得高分,获准去飞。我太兴奋了,因为我将跟他们一起去飞啊。

And then I hit the first brick wall, because they made it very clear that under no circumstances were faculty members allowed to fly with the teams. I know, I was heartbroken. Right. I was like, I worked so hard! And so I read the literature very carefully and it turns out that NASA, it’s part of their outreach and publicity program, and it turns out that the students were allowed to bring a local media journalist from their home town. And, Randy Pausch, web journalist. It’s really easy to get a press pass!

So I called up the guys at NASA and I said, I need to know where to fax some documents. And they said, what documents are you going to fax us? And I said my resignation as the faculty advisor and my application as the journalist. And he said, that’s a little transparent, don’t you think? And I said, yeah, but our project is virtual reality, and we’re going to bring down a whole bunch of VR headsets and all the students from all the teams are going to experience it and all those other real journalists are going to get to film it.

Jim Foley’s going on you bastard, yes. And the guy said, here’s the fax number. So, and indeed, we kept our end of the bargain, and that’s one of the themes that you’ll hear later on in the talk, is have something to bring to the table, alright, because that will make you more welcome. And if you’re curious about what zero gravity looks like, hopefully the sound will be working here. There I am. You do pay the piper at the bottom. So, childhood dream number one, check.

OK, let’s talk about football. My dream was to play in the National Football League. And most of you don’t know that I actually – No. No, I did not make it to the National Football League, but I probably got more from that dream and not accomplishing it than I got from any of the ones that I did accomplish.

I had a coach, I signed up when I was nine years old. I was the smallest kid in the league, by far. And I had a coach, Jim Graham, who was six-foot-four, he had played linebacker at Penn State. He was just this hulk of a guy and he was old school. And I mean really old school. Like he thought the forward pass was a trick play. And he showed up for practice the first day, and you know, this big hulking guy, we were all scared to death of him.
我有一个教练。我是9 岁时开始训练的。球队里,当时我最小。我有个名叫吉姆·格雷厄姆的教练,他身高六英尺四,他以前在宾夕法尼亚州立大学打线卫。他大块头,又很传统。我是说,他非常古板。因为他认为前传球,那就是在使诈计。第一天练习时他来了,他块头那么大, 我们见了都怕得要死。

And he hadn’t brought any footballs. How are we going to have practice without any footballs? And one of the other kids said, “Excuse me coach, but there’s not football.” And Coach Graham said, “Right, how many men are on a football field at a time?" "Eleven on a team, twenty-two. ” Coach Graham said, “All right, and how many people are touching the football at any given time?" "One of them. ” And he said, “Right, so we’re going to work on what those other twenty-one guys are doing.” And that’s a really good story because it’s all about fundamentals. Fundamentals, fundamentals, fundamentals. You’ve got to get the fundamentals down because otherwise the fancy stuff isn’t going to work.
他手上没带任何橄榄球来。没球怎么练呢?有个小孩子就说,“对不起, 教练,我们没球啊。”教练格雷厄姆就说,“是啊,每次球场上要上多少人呢?”“一方11个人,总共22个人。”教练格雷厄姆说,“好,那全场的每时每刻,有几个人在摸球?”“22个人中,只有一个人在摸。”他说,“对,所以,那咱们就把精力集中到其他这21个人上面,看这21个人应该怎么做。” 这是一个很精彩的故事,因为它讲的都是最基本的。最基本的,最基本的,还是最基本的事情。必须先把基本的练好,否则玩花拳秀腿肯定不行。

And the other Jim Graham story I have is there was one practice where he just rode me all practice. “You’re doing this wrong, you’re doing this wrong, go back and do it again, you owe me, you’re doing push-ups after practice.” And when it was all over, one of the other assistant coaches came over and said, “yeah, Coach Graham rode you pretty hard, didn’t he?” I said, “yeah.” He said, “that’s a good thing.” He said, “when you’re screwing up and nobody’s saying anything to you anymore, that means they gave up.” And that’s a lesson that stuck with me my whole life. Is that when you see yourself doing something badly and nobody’s bothering to tell you anymore, that’s a very bad place to be. Your critics are your ones telling you they still love you and care.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-12 01:48:27 | 只看该作者
(续前《美国教授“最后一课”感动千万人 第一部分》
After Coach Graham, I had another coach, Coach Setliff, and he taught me a lot about the power of enthusiasm. He did this one thing where only for one play at a time he would put people in at like the most horrifically wrong position for them. Like all the short guys would become receivers, right? It was just laughable. But we only went in for one play, right? And boy, the other team just never knew what hit ‘em them. Because when you’re only doing it for one play and you’re just not where you’re supposed to be, and freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose, boy are you going to clean somebody’s clock for that one play.

And that kind of enthusiasm was great. And to this day, I am most comfortable on a football field. I mean, it’s just one of those things where, you know, if I’m working a hard problem, people will see me wandering the halls with one of these things, and that’s just because, you know, when you do something young enough and you train for it, it just becomes a part of it. And I’m very glad that football was a part of my life. And if I didn’t get the dream of playing in the NFL, that’s OK. I’ve probably got stuff more valuable. Because looking at what’s going on in the NFL, I’m not sure those guys are doing so great right now.

OK, and so one of the expressions I learned at Electronic Arts, which I love, which pertains to this, is experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted. And I think that’s absolutely lovely. And the other thing about football is we send our kids out to play football or soccer or swimming or whatever it is, and it’s the first example of what I’m going to call a head fake, or indirect learning. We actually don’t want our kids to learn football. I mean, yeah, it’s really nice that I have a wonderful three-point stance and that I know how to do a chop block and all this kind of stuff. But we send our kids out to learn much more important things. Teamwork, sportsmanship, perseverance, etcetera, etcetera. And these kinds of head fake learning are absolutely important. And you should keep your eye out for them because they’re everywhere.

All right. A simple one, being an author in the World Book Encyclopedia. When I was a kid, we had the World Book Encyclopedia on the shelf. For the freshman, this is paper. We used to have these things called books. And after I had become somewhat of an authority on virtual reality, but not like a really important one, so I was at the level of people the World Book would badger. They called me up and I wrote an article, and this is Caitlin Kelleher [shows slide of Caitlin wearing VR headset manipulating a 3D world], and there’s an article if you go to your local library where they still have copies of the World Book. Look under V for Virtual Reality, and there it is. And all I have to say is that having been selected to be an author in the World Book Encyclopedia, I now believe that Wikipedia is a perfectly fine source for your information because I know what the quality control is for real encyclopedias. They let me in.
好,说下一个梦想。很简单,想当《世界百科全书》作者。我还小时,书架上就摆着《世界百科全书》了。对大一学生来说,它们只是纸。(笑声)我们以前把这些东西叫做书。只是当我成了虚拟现实的某种权威时,其实根本不是什么真正权威,我就一下了成了《世界百科图书》要打扰的人了。他们给我打电话,然后,我就写了篇文章,画面上这位叫凯特琳.凯乐荷。你要是到当地图书馆查,找到有的图书馆还收藏这百科全书的话,那你就可以看到这篇文章,看V 字母下面的“虚拟现实”词条,它就在那里。我要说的是,我居然给选为《世界百科全书》作者,那我现在相信,“维基百科”对诸位来说,绝对是个优质的资讯来源,因为,我知道,现实版的《百科全书》的质量控制水平是什么样的。他们让我去写的。

All right, next one. At a certain point you just realize there are some things you are not going to do, so maybe you just want to stand close to the people. And I mean, my god, what a role model for young people. I mean, this is everything you want to be, and what I learned that carried me forward in leadership later is that, you know, he wasn’t the smartest guy on the ship. I mean, Spock was pretty smart and McCoy was the doctor and Scotty was the engineer. And you sort of go, and what skill set did he have to get on this damn thing and run it?

And, you know, clearly there is this skill set called leadership, and, you know, whether or not you like the series, there’s no doubt that there was a lot to be learned about how to lead people by watching this guy in action. And he just had the coolest damn toys! I mean, my god, I just thought it was fascinating as a kid that he had this thing and he could talk to the ship with it. I just thought that was just spectacular, and of course now I own one and it’s smaller. [takes out cell phone] So that’s kind of cool.
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