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发表于 2016-2-12 15:27:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
当众演讲的10项顶级技巧译者:xiaonicholas 原作者:Garr Reynolds

1. Show your passion
If I had only one tip to give, it would be to be passionate about your topic andlet that enthusiasm come out. Yes, you need great content. Yes, you needprofessional, well designed visuals. But it is all for naught if you do nothave a deep, heartfelt belief in your topic. The biggest item that separatesmediocre presenters from world class ones is the ability to connect with anaudience in an honest and exciting way. Don't hold back. Be confident. And letyour passion for your topic come out for all to see.
2. Start strong

You've heard it before: First impressions are powerful. Believe it. The first 2-3minutes of the presentation are the most important. The audience wants to likeyou and they will give you a few minutes at the beginning to engage them --don't miss the opportunity. Most presenters fail here because they ramble ontoo long about superfluous background information or theirpersonal/professional history, etc.
3. Keep it short
Humanshave short attention spans when it comes to passively sitting and listening toa speaker. Audience attention is greatest at the opening and then again whenyou say something like "In conclusion...." This is just the humancondition, especially so for the busy (often tired) knowledge worker of today.So, if you have 30 minutes for your talk, finish in 25 minutes. It is better tohave the audience wanting more (of you) than to feel that they have had morethan enough. Professional entertainers know this very well.

4. Move awayfrom the podium
Get closer to your audience by moving away from or in front of the podium. Thepodium is a barrier between you and the audience, but the goal of our presentationis to connect with the audience. Removing physical barriers between you and theaudience will help you build rapport and make a connection.
5. Use a remote-control device
To advance your slides and builds, use a small, handheld remote. A handheld remotewill allow you to move away from the podium. This is an absolute must. Keyspanhas two good ones. I highly recommend the Keyspan Presentation Remote. Manypeople like the Interlink remote as well.

对必要的!KeySan有两种遥控翻页产品,我吐血推荐Keyspan。不过也有许多人喜欢Interlink 牌子的。
6. Remember the“B” key
6. 记住“B”键
If you press the “B” key while your PowerPoint or Keynote slide is showing, thescreen will go blank. This is useful if you need to digress or move off thetopic presented on the slide. By having the slide blank, all the attention cannow be placed back on you. When you are ready to move on, just press the “B”key again and the image reappears.
7. Make good eye contact

Try looking at individuals rather than scanning the group. Since you are using acomputer, you never need to look at the screen behind you — just glance down atthe computer screen briefly. One sure way to lose an audience is to turn yourback on them. And while you're maintaining great eye contact, don't forget tosmile as well. Unless your topic is very grim, a smile can be a very powerful thing.
8. Keep thelights on
If you are speaking in a meeting room or a classroom, the temptation is to turnthe lights off so that the slides look better. But go for a compromise betweena bright screen image and ambient room lighting. Turning the lights off — besidesinducing sleep — puts all the focus on the screen. The audience should belooking at you more than the screen. Today’s projectors are bright enough toallow you to keep many of the lights on.

9. Use a TV forsmall groups
If you are presenting to a small group, then you can connect your computer to alarge TV (via the s-video line-in). With a TV screen, you can keep all or mostof the lights on. Make sure your text and graphics are large enough to be seenon the small the screen. You will probably have to increase the type size significantly.

10. At alltimes: courteous, gracious, & professional
When audience members ask questions or give comments, you should be gracious andthank them for their input. Even if someone is being difficult, you must keepto the high ground and at all times be a gentleman or lady and courteously dealwith such individuals. The true professional can always remain cool and incontrol. Remember, it is your reputation, so always remain gracious even withthe most challenging of audiences.


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