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1981.9~1986.8            江苏南通医学院医学系本科生
1986.9~1989.8            江苏南通医学院附属医院肾内科硕士生
1991.9~1994.3            北京医科大学肾脏病研究所博士生
1994.4~1999.9            美国Vanderbilt大学医学中心肾脏病学系博士后
1986.9~1991.8            江苏南通医学院附属医院住院医师、助教
1994.4~1999.9            美国Vanderbilt大学医学中心肾脏病学系博士后
1999.9~2002.9            美国Vanderbilt大学医学中心肾脏病系及糖尿病中心研究助教授、助教授
2002.9~2006.8            北京大学医学部生理学及病理生理学系教授、系副主任
2006.8~现今                 北京大学医学部生理学及病理生理学系教授、系主任
2004.11~现今               北京大学糖尿病中心共同主任
2005.5~现今                 教育部长江特聘教授
2007.9~现今                 国家杰出青年基金获得者
2008.7~现今                 北京大学基础医学院副院长

杂志编委:Journal of Diabetes (副主编)、PPAR Research (副主编)、Kidney International (编委)、Biochemical Journal (编委)、基础医学和临床(编委)、中华病生理杂志(编委)等
杂志特约审稿人:Diabetes、Diabetologia、American Journal of Physiology- Endocrinology and Metabolism、American Journal of Physiology- Regulatory、Integrative and Comparative Physiology、American Journal of Physiology- Renal Physiology、Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (JPET)、BMC-RB&E (Reproductive Biology & Endocriology)、Journal of American society of Nephrology (JASN)、Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (NDT)、Kidney International、Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)、Biochemical Pharmacology、Biochemical Journal、Life Science、Peptide、Acta Physiologica Sinica, etc.

解放军总医院肾脏病科客座教授,2002, 1- present,

The National Nature Science Foundation of China (NNSFC): #30870905, #81030003
The Ministry of Science and Technology of China: the “973” National Basic Research Program of China ( 2010C8912500)
Research grant from AstraZeneca, #SEML-89HGV2, #SEML-89HGR7
Research grant from AstraZeneca China
Research grant from Eli Lilly Company

NIH RO1 DK065074-01
Atorvastatin Research Awards (Pfizer Pharmaceutics)
American Heart Association – Southeast Affiliate (AHA #016200B)
GenZyme Renal Innovation Program (GRIP)
TZD PPARg激动剂在终末期肾病预防和治疗中的作用,2004.1-2006.12,教育部重点项目

Breyer MD, Zhang Y, Guan Y, Hao CM, Hebert RL, Breyer RM. Regulation of renal function by prostaglandin E receptors. Kidney Int. 1998; 54 (suppl. 67):S88-S94
Guan Y and Breyer MD. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs): Novel therapeutic targets in renal disease.Kidney Int.2001; 60 (1):14-30 (invited review).
Guan Y, Zhang Y and Breyer MD: The role of PPARs in the transcriptional control of cellular processes.Drug News & Perspective 2002; 15(3):147-154 (invited review).
Guan Y: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs): Novel therapeutic targets for prevention of diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension and obesity. Minerva Urologica e Nefrologica 2002; 54:65-79 (invited review)
Guan Y: PPAR system and its relationship to renal complications of the metabolic syndrome.J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 2004 Nov;15(11):2801-15 (invited review).
Guan Y: PPAR-gamma agonists and diabetic nephropathy. Current Diabetes Reports 2005 Dec;5(6):470-5 (Invited Review).
Guan Y*: Nuclear receptors link gender dimorphism of renal disease progression. Kidney Int. 2006; 69, 1490–1491 (Editorial Commentary)
Guan Y*: Thiazolidinediones: A class of therapeutic drugs for diabetic nephropathy? Kidney Int. 2007;in press (Editorial Commentary)
Guan Y: The thiazolidinedione class of antidiabetic drugs: a double-edged sword.  Chinese Journal of Diabetes. 2007; 15:450-451 (Invited Editorial Commentary) ( in Chinese).
Yang J, Chen L, Zhang X, Zhou Y, Zhang D, Huo M, Guan Y*: PPARs and female reproduction: Evidence from genetically manipulated mice.  PPAR Research. 2008;2008:723243 (invited review).
Ruan X, Zheng F, Guan Y*: PPAR and the kidney in the metabolic syndrome.  Am. J. Physiol.-Renal Physiol. 2008 May;294(5):F1032-47 (invited review)
Wu J, Chen L, Zhang D, Huo M, Pu D and Guan Y*: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors and renal diseases. Front Biosci. 2009 Jan 1;14:995-1009.  (invited review).
Yang J, Zhang D, Li J, Fan FL and Guan Y*: Role of PPARγ in renoprotection in type 2 diabetes: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic potential.  Clinical Science 2009 Jan;116(1):17-26.  (invited review).
Ruan X and Guan Y: Metabolic syndrome and chronic kidney disease. Journal of Diabetes 2009;1:236-245;
Targeted gene disruption of the prostaglandin E2 EP2 receptor. In Eicosanoids and Other Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, Inflammation, and Radiation Injury.Edited by Honn et al., pp321-326, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002
Vasoactive substances and kidney. in Nephrology . Edited by Haiyan Wang. 2nd ed. pp 84-180, Public Health Publish House. Beijing. China. 1996
Endocrinological Function of Kidney. In Modern Nephrology. Edited by Jije Jiang. 1st ed. Military Medicine Publish House (in press)
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) and cardiovascular disease. In Practical Cardiovascular Receptorology. Edited by Daowen Wang.1st ed.Science Press, Beijing, ISBN 7-03-009284-8/R.687, 2001, P50-61
Scavenger Receptors and cardiovascular disease.In Practical Cardiovascular Receptorology. Edited by Daowen Wang.1st ed.Science Press, Beijing, ISBN 7-03-009284-8/R.687, 2001, p62-70
Vasoactive substances in renal physiology. in Nephrology . Edited by Haiyan Wang. 4nd ed. In press, Public Health Publish House. Beijing. China. 2008
Guan Y: Cyclic AMP-coupled prostaglndin E2 receptors. Research Conference of Division of Nephrology, VanderbiltUniversityMedicalCenter, Nov., 1995
Guan Y: Differential expression of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 in normal and diseased kidney. Research Conference of Division of Nephrology, VanderbiltUniversityMedicalCenter, Nov., 1996
Guan Y: Cyclooxygenases: cloning, functional expression, and their roles in kidney diseases. Invited lecture in Department of Physilogy, BeijingMedicalUniversity and Division of Nephrology, GeneralMilitaryHospital, Beijing,Mar., 1998
Guan Y: Physiological and pathophysiological role of COX-1 and COX-2 in the kidney.Invited lecture in the Institute of Nephrology, the First Teaching Hospital, BeijingMedicalUniversity, Beijing, March 25, 1998
Guan Y: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR?): cloning, expression and its role in human bladder cancer. Research Conference of Division of Nephrology, VanderbiltUniversityMedicalCenter, Jan., 1999
Guan Y: Role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR?) in the kidney.Research Conference of Division of Nephrology, VanderbiltUniversityMedicalCenter, March 8, 2000.
Guan Y: Regulation of renal function and blood pressure by PPAR?: A nuclear receptor transcription factor targeted by antidiabetic “Glitazone”. Research Conference of Division of Nephrology, VanderbiltUniversityMedicalCenter, May 18, 2001
Guan Y: Targeting peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) in metabolic syndrome X. Research Conference of Division of Nephrology, VanderbiltUniversityMedicalCenter, January 11, 2002
Guan Y: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs): potential roles in renal function and kidney disease. Royal Free Campus, London, United Kingdom, April 8, 2002
Guan Y: Expression and physiological regulation of prostaglandin E2 synthesising enzymes in the kidney. Royal Free Campus, London, United Kingdom, April 10, 2002
Guan Y: PPAR?: a potential therapeutic target in diabetic nephropathy.Department of Cellular & Molecular Medicine, University of Ottawa, Canada, May 13-15, 2002
Guan Y: Role of prostaglandin receptors in renal physiology and pathophysiology.Department of Physiology and pathophysiology, BeijingUniversityMedicalCenter, Beijing, June 14, 2002
Guan Y: The role of PPARgamma in pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy.Institute of Nephrology, BeijingUniversityMedicalCenter, Beijing, June 18, 2002
Guan Y: Targeting PPARgamma in diabetic nephropathy.Division of Nephrology, the General Military Hospital, Beijing, June 19, 2002
Guan Y: Targeting PPARgamma in obesity, diabetes and diabetic nephropathy.Deltagen Research Laboratory, San Diego, August 22-24, 2002.
Guan Y: PPARs: regulators of renal function in health and disease.FASEB EB 2003 Annual Meeting, San Diego, April 12, 2003
Guan Y: Thiazodinedione PPARgamma agonists: beneficial or harmful to the diabetic nephropathy?VanderbiltUniversityMedicalCenter, Nashville, May 2, 2003
Guan Y: PPARgamma receptor: a therapeutic target for treating diabetic nephropathy. Cardiovascular Research Institute, MorehouseSchool of Medicine, Atlanta, May 3, 2003
Guan Y: PPARgamma: a modulator of renal function in health and disease.Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, VanderbiltUniversityMedicalCenter, Nashville, October 13, 2003.
Guan Y:PPARs in kidney and urologic diseases.ASN 2003 Annual Meeting, San Diego, November 14, 2003
Guan Y: Therapeutic role of PPARg in diabetic nephropathy.Auckland University, New Zealand, November 2, 2004
Guan Y: Prostaglandin E synthases (PGESs) and cardiorenal function. NanjingMedicalUniversity, Nanjing, CHINA, November 20, 2004.
Guan Y:The PPAR family and the Metabolic Syndrome.Institution for Nutritional Sciences, ChineseAcademy of Science, Shanghai, May 14, 2005;
Guan Y: Therapeutic role of PPARgamma in the metabolic syndrome.The Renal Grand Round, VanderbiltUniversityMedicalCenter, Nashville, May 26, 2005;
Guan Y: Therapeutic role of a nuclear prostaglandin receptor PPARg in type II diabetes and diabetic nephropathy.The International Eicosanoids Conference, Beijing, China, July 4-6, 2005;
Guan Y. Metabolic Nuclear Receptors and the Metabolic Syndrome. (Plenary Lecture) The 5th Scientific Conference on Cardiovascular Sciences across the Strait (SCAS) and the 9th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Medicine (ICSM) on Cardiovascular Science across the Strait (SCAS) and the 9th ICSM ASM, Hong Kong, China, Dec.3-4, 2005
Guan Y: PPARgamma: a cure for metabolic syndrome? The 5th International Congress of Pathophysiology, Beijing, China, June 28-July 1, 2006
Guan Y: PPARgamma: a promising therapeutic target for diabetic nephropathy. RolfLuftDiabetesCenter, the Karolinsca Institute, Sweden, September 29, 2006
Guan Y: Metabolic nuclear receptors and diabetic nephropathy. 2006 Annual Meeting of Chinese Association of Nephrology, Xiamen, November 2, 2006
Guan Y: Glitazone PPARgamma agonists and metabolic syndrome. TongjiHospital, Wuhan April 2007;
Guan Y: PPARgamma: a promising therapeutic target for metabolic syndrome. NanchangUniversityMedicalSchool, Nanchang April 2007;
Guan Y: Metabolic nuclear receptors and glucose homeostasis. The third Annual Forum of Peking University Diabetes Center, May 2007;
Guan Y: PPARgamma and metabolic syndrome: the present and future. International Forum of Diabetes at GulouHospital, Nanjing, May 2007;
Guan Y: Nuclear receptors and glucose metabolism. Plenary lecture, 2007 Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Diabetes, Hangzhou, November 16, 2007;
Guan Y: Therapeutic targeting of PPARs in diabetic renal complication. The 10th Annual Winter Eicosanoid Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, March 10, 2008;
Guan Y: PPARs and metabolic syndrome. Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, March 31, 2008;
Guan Y: PPARgamma, a critical scene in diabetes, cardiac and renal medicine. The 4th Shanghai International Forum of Kidney Research, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, April 26, 2008;
Guan Y: Metabolic nuclear receptors and diabetic renal complications. The Forth Annual Forum of Peking University Diabetes Center, May 2008;
Guan Y: Nuclear receptors and metabolic syndrome. The Beijing Joint Conference of Physiological Science 2008, Beijing, October 19-22, 2008;
Guan Y: Role of ENaC in PPARg-induced volume retention. The 2008 Annual Meeting of American Society of Nephrology, Philadelphia, September 9, 2008.
Guan Y: Diabetes and its renal complications. The First National Conference of  Diabetes, Metabolic Diseases and Renal Disorders, Guangzhou, April 16, 2009
Guan Y: The pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. The 2009 Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Nephrology, Dalian, July 03, 2009.
Guan Y: Metabolic nuclear receptors as therapeutic targets for diabetic nephropathy.  The 8th Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Endocrinology.  September 5, 2009, Nanjing.
Guan Y: PPAR-Gamma and Chronic Kidney Disease.  The 2009 Annual Meeting of American Society of Nephrology, San Diego, October 31, 2009.
Guan Y: Pathogenic Role of 3−Hydroxy−3−Methylglutaryl−CoA Synthase 2 in Diabetic Nephropathy, The 2009 Annual Meeting of American Society of Nephrology, San Diego, October 31, 2009.
Guan Y: Nuclear receptors and metabolic syndrome. Sino-Karolinska Scientific Symposium, Nobel Forum, Stockholm, Sweden, October 6, 2010.
Guan Y: PPARs and diabetic nephropathy. CVGI at AstraZeneca, Molndal , Sweden, October 7, 2010;
Guan Y: Nuclear receptors and diabetic renal complications. First Mini-Symposium of Chinese Nuclear Receptor Research Group (CNRRG). The Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China, October 11, 2010
Guan Y: Pancreatic-derived factor promotes lipogenesis in the liver: Role of FOXO1 signaling Pathway. The Fourteenth Annual Meeting of Chinese Diabetes Society, 2010 November 18, Shuzhou.

Yiang B and Guan Y: Chronic renal failure and recombinant human erythropoietin. Chinese Journal of Nephrology. 1990. 6:388-391.
Guan Y and Qian T: Fibronectin and renal diseases. Advances in Internal Medicine. 1991. 18(5):221-224.
Guan Y and Xiu K: Role of reactive oxygen species in gastrointestinal ischemic injury. Jiangsu Medical Journal 1991. 17(6):322-324.
Guan Y, Qian T, and Jiang J: Alteration of the plasma fibronectin concentration in various kidney disease. Chinese Journal of Nephrology. 1991. 7:81-84.
Guan Y, Zhao X, and Jiang J: Significance of hypercoagulable indexes in lupus nephritis. Tianjin Medical Journal. 1991. 19(6): 349-351.
Guan Y, Jiang J, and Qian T: Effect of oral supply of essential amino acids on the function of kidney and Fc receptor of the peritoneal macrophages in rats with chronic renal failure. Jiangsu Medical Journal. 1991. 17(1):10-12.
Zhang, Y, Guan Y, and Jiang J: Structural and functional changes in aged kidneys. Jiangsu Medical Journal. 1992. 18(1):32-33.
Guan Y and Jiang J: Clinical application of recombinant human erythropoietin (rhuEPO). J. Nephrol. Dialy. Transplant. 1993. 2(1):3-6.
Guan Y, Jiang J, Sen Y: Polypeptide growth factors. Advances in Nephrology and Urology. 1993. 13(3):99-103.
Guan Y, Wang H: Application of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique in nephrology. Advances in Nephrology and Urology. 1993. 13(4): 162-1655.
Guan Y, Jiang J, Qian T: Cyclosporine-associated hypertension. Advances in Internal Medicine. 1993. 20(2):71-73.
Guan Y. Decreased expression of c-fos and c-jun oncogenes in aged rat kidneys. Oral presentation at the First Chinese National Congress of hypertension, fluid, electrolyte metabolism. Apr. 19-21, 1993. Shanghai. China.
Guan Y, Xio D and Jiang J: Effect of short-term non-insulin therapy on serum lipid levels in NIDDM patients. Acta Academia Medicinae Nantong. 1993. 12(4):337-339.
Guan Y, Zhang Y, Davis L, Breyer MD: Differential distribution of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) along the urinary tract of rabbit and man. Am. J. Physiol. (Renal Physiol.) 1997;273: F1013-F1022.
Guan Y, Zhang M, Cho W, Zhang Y, Davis L, Breyer R, Chang, S, DuBois, RN, Hao C, Breyer MD: Cloning, expression, and regulation of rabbit cyclooxygenase-2 in renal medullary interstitial cells. Am. J. Physiol. (Renal Physiol.) 1997; 273: F18-F26
Breyer MD, Zhang Y, Guan Y, Hao CM, Hebert RL, Breyer RM. Regulation of renal function by prostaglandin E receptors. Kidney Int. 1998; 54 (suppl. 67):S88-S94
Guan Y, Zhang Y, Breyer R, Fowler, B, Davis L, Hebert, RL, Breyer MD: PGE2 inhibits renal collecting duct Na+ absorption by activating the EP1 receptor. J. Clin. Invest. 1998;102:194-201
Hao, C.-M., Komh?ff M, Guan Y, Redha R, Breyer MD: Selective targeting of cyclooxygenase-2 reveals its role in renal medullary interstitial cell survival. Am. J. Physiol. 1999; 277:F352-F359
Kennedy, CRJ, Zhang Y, Brandon S, Guan Y, Coffee K, Funk CD, Magnuson MA, Oates JA, Breyer MD, Breyer RM: Hypertension and reduced fertility in mice lacking the prostaglandin EP2 receptor. Nature Med. 1999; 5:217-220
Guan Y, Zhang Y, Davis L, Redha R, Breyer MD: Expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ??in human transitional bladder cancer and its role in inducing cell death. Neoplasia 1999; 1(4):330-339.
Zhang Y, Guan Y, Schneider A, Brandon S, Breyer RM, Breyer MD: Characterization of murine vasopressor and vasodepressor prostaglandin E2 receptors. Hypertension2000, 35; 1129-1134
K?mhoff M, Guan Y, Breyer MD: Enhanced expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in high grade human transitional cell bladder carcinomas. Am. J. Pathol. 2000, 157:29-35.
Guan Y and Breyer MD. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs): Novel therapeutic targets in renal disease.Kidney Int.2001; 60 (1):14-30.
Shappell SB, Manning S, Boeglin WE, Guan Y, Wheeler TM, Davis L, Jack G, Breyer MD, Brash AR: Alterations in lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase-2 catalytic activity and mRNA expression in prostate carcinoma. Neoplasia 2001; 3(4): 287-303.
Guan Y, Zhang Y, Breyer MD: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR?) activity is associated with renal microvasculature.Am. J. Physiol. 2001; 281:F1036-F1046.
Guan Y, Zhang Y, Schneider A, Davis L, Breyer MD: cDNA cloning, gene mapping, and intrarenal localization of mouse prostaglandin E synthase. Am. J. Physiol. 2001; 281:F1173-F1177.
Zheng F, Fornoni A, Elliot SJ, Guan Y, Breyer MD, Striker LJ, Striker GE. PPAR? activation suppresses TGF-? mediated Type I collagen expression in mesangial cells. Am. J. Physiol. (Renal Physiol.)2002; 282:F639-648
Guan Y and Breyer MD: Reply from the authors “Fibrates-induced renal injury”.Kidney Int. 2002; 61(1):354-355.
Jones JR, Shelton KD, Guan Y, Breyer MD, Magnuson MA. Generation and functional confirmation of a conditional null PPAR? allele in mice.Genesis 2002; 32:134-137.
Guan Y, Zhang Y and Breyer MD: The role of PPARs in the transcriptional control of cellular processes.Drug News & Perspective 2002; 15(3):147-154, Review
PanzerU., Scneider A, Guan Y, Reinking R, Zahner G, Harendza S, Wolf G, Thaiss F, Stahl RAK: Activation of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ? (PPAR?) increases MCP-1 expression and monocyte infiltration in experimental glomerulonephritis.Kidney Int.2002 Aug;62(2):455-64
Guan Y, Stillman B, Breyer R, Zhang Y, Davis L, Redha R, Nian C, Breyer MD: Cloning and functional expression of the rabbit prostaglandin EP2 receptor. BMC Pharmacology 2002, 2:14 (27 June 2002)
Schneider A, Zhang Y, Guan Y, Davis L, Breyer RM, Breyer MD: Differential, inducible gene targeting in renal epithelia, vascular endothelium, and viscera of Mx1Cre mice.Am. J. Physiol. (Renal Physiol.) 2003;284:F411-F417.
Saito S, Guan Y, Davis L, Breyer M: Expression of the prostaglandin F receptor (FP) gene along the mouse genitourinary tract.Am. J. Physiol. (Renal Physiol.) 2003; 284:F1164-1170.
Peti-Peterdi J, Komlosi P, Bebok Z, Guan Y, Schneider A, Qi Z, Redha R, Breyer M, Bell PD. Luminal NaCl delivery regulates basolateral PGE2 release from intact Macula densa cells. J. Clin. Invest. 2003 Jul;112(1):76-82
Zhang Y, Schneider A, Reena Rao, Wendell J Lu, Fan XF, Davis L, Breyer R, Beryer MD and Guan Y: Genomic structure and genitourinary expression of mouse cytosolic prosaglandin E2 synthase (cPGES) gene. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- Mol. Biol. Lipid 2003: 1634; 15-23.
Hebert RL, Guan Y, Fowler B, Breyer MDGE2 inhibits renal collecting duct sodium transport and the release of cell calcium by activating the EP1 receptor subtype.Recent Res. Devel. Physiol. 2003; 1:307-317.
Schneider A, Zhang Y, Zhang M, Lu W, Rao R, Fan X, Redha R, Davis L, Breyer RM, Harris R, Breyer MD, Guan Y: Membrane-associated PGES-1 (mPGES-1) is co-expressed with both COX-1 and COX-2 in the kidney.Kidney Int. 2004; 65:1205-1213.
Ma L, Ma S-L, Kanjanabuch T, Guan Y, Zhang Y, Brown NJ, Swift L.L., Mcguinness O.P, Wasserman D.H., Fogo A. B. Prevention of obesity and insulin resistance in mice lacking PAI-I gene.Diabetes 2004; 53:336-346.
Schneider A, Guan Y, Zhang Y, Magnuson MA, Loftin CD, Langenbach R, Breyer RM, and Breyer MD: Generation of mice suitable for conditional prostaglandin EP4 receptor deletion.Genesis 2004; 40:7-14
Guan Y.Invited Review: PPAR family and renal complications of the metabolic syndrome.J. Am. Soc. Nephrol.2004 Nov;15(11):2801-15
Zheng F, Chen Q, Plati A-R, Ye S-Q, Berho M, Banerjee A, Potier M, Jaimes EA, Guan Y, Hao C, Striker LJ, Striker GE.The glomerulosclerosis of aging: Contribution of the proinflammatory mesangial cell phenotype to macrophage infiltration.Am. J. Pathol. 2004; 165:1789-1798;
Wu J, Zhang Y, Yang G, Wang N, Zhu Y, Wang X, Davis L, Breyer MD, Guan Yiver X receptor alpha mediates cholesterol efflux in cultured mesangial cells. .Am. J. Physiol. (Renal Physiol.)2004; 287:F886-F895;
Xiong Z, Huang H, LI J, Guan Y, Wang H: Anti-inflammatory effect of PPARg in cultured human mesangial cells.Renal Failure 2004; 26:497-505;
Zeng X-K, Guan Y, Remick D. G. Wang X. Signal pathways underlying homocysteine-induced production of MCP-1 and IL-8 in cultured human whole blood.Acta Phamacologica Sinica 2005; 26(1):85-91;
Wang G, Wei J, Guan Y, Jin N, Mao J, Wang X: PPAR? agonist rosiglitazone reduces inflammatory response in type II diabetic patients with coronary arterial disease flowing coronary angioplasty. Metabolism 2005; 54(5):590-597.
Yang F, Zhang Z, Xin D,Shi C, Wu JP, Guo YL, Guan Y: PPAR? ligands induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human renal carcinoma cell Lines. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2005;26(6):736-761.
Guan Y, Hao C, Rao R, Cha DR, Kohan D, Magnuson M, Zhang Y, Breyer MDPAR? regulates systemic fluid volume by activating sodium absorption in the collecting duct. Nature Medicine2005 Aug;11(8):861-866;
Hebert R, Saito O, Carmosino M, Yang G, Jackson C, Qi Z, Zhang Y, Guan Y, Breyer M: Characterization of the rabbit PGF2alpha receptor (FP) and its Gi restricted signaling pathway inhibiting water absorption in renal collecting duct.J. Biol. Chem. 280(41):35028-37;
Zhan P, Alander C, Kaneko H, Pilbeam CC, Guan Y, Zhang Y, Breyer MD, Raisz LG: Effect of deletion of the prostaglandin EP4 receptor on stimulation of calcium release from cultured mouse calvariae: Impaired responsiveness in heterozygous.Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat.2005 Dec;78(1-4):19-26.;
Xie L, Chang L, Guan Y, Wang X: C-reactive protein augments interleukin-8 secretion in human peripheral blood monocytes. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2005 Nov;46(5):690-6.
Zhang Y & Guan Y: PPAR-gamma agonists and diabetic nephropathy. Current Diabetes Reports 2005 5(6):470-5 (Invited Review).
Park CW, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Wu J, Chen L, Cha DR, Su D, Hwang MT, Fan X, Davis L, Striker G, Zheng F, Breyer M, Guan Y*.PPARalpha agonist fenofibrate improves diabetic nephropathy in db/db mice. Kidney Int. 2006 May;69(9):1511-7.
Zhang Y, Zhang X, Chen L, Wu J, Lu WJ, Hwang MT, Yang G, Li S, Wei M, Davis L, Breyer MD, Guan Y*: Liver X receptor (LXR) agonist TO901317 upregulates SCD1 expression in renal proximal straight tubule.Am J Physiol (Renal Physiol) 2006 May;290(5):F1065-73
Park CW, Kim HW, Chung HW, Lim SW, Yang CW, Chang YS, Sugawara A, Guan Y, Breyer MD: Accelerated Diabetic Nephropathy in Mice Lacking the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-a. Diabetes 2006; 55(4):885-93;
Nakagawa K, Holla VR, Wei Y, Wang W-H, Wei S, Mei S, Cha DR, Price E Jr,Zent R, Pozzi A, Breyer MD, Guan Y,Falck JR, Waterman M, Capdevila JH: Salt sensitive hypertension is associated with a dysfunctional Cyp4a10 gene and kidney epithelial sodium channel. J Clin Invest2006 Jun;116(6):1696-702.
Guan Y*: Nuclear receptors link gender dimorphism of renal disease progression. Kidney Int. 2006 Dec;70(11):1889-90 (Editorial Commentary);
Kennedy CRJ, Xiong H, Rahal S, Vanderluit J, Slack RS, Zhang Y, Guan Y, Breyer MD, and Hebert RL: Urine Concentrating Defect in Prostaglandin EP1-Deficient Mice. Am J Physiol (Renal Physiol) 2006 (in press). doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00183.2005
Yang G, Chen L, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Wu J, Li S, Wei M, Zhang Z, MD, Breyer MD, Guan Y*: Expression of mouse membrane-associated prostaglandin E2 synthase-2 (mPGES-2) along the urogenital tract. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- Mol. Biol. Lipid 2006;1761(12):1459-68;
Kanjanabuch T, Ma LJ, Chen J, Pozzi A, Guan Y, Mundel P, Fogo AB.PPAR-gamma agonist protects podocytes from injury. Kidney Int. 2007 Jun;71(12):1232-9;
Qin X, Tian J, Zhang P, Fan Y, Chen L, Guan Y, Fu Y, Zhu Y, Chien S, Wang N.Laminar shear stress up-regulates the expression of stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 in vascular endothelial cells. Cardiovasc Res. 2007 Jun 1;74(3):506-14;
Chang L, Zhang Z, Li W, Dai J, Guan Y, Wang X. Liver-X-receptor activator prevents homocysteine-induced production of IgG antibodies from murine B lymphocytes via the ROS-NF-kappaB pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 Jun 8;357(3):772-8;
Cha DR, Han JY, Su DM, Zhang Y, Fan X, Breyer MD, Guan Y*. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha deficiency protects aged mice from insulin resistance induced by high-fat diet. Am J Nephrol. 2007;27(5):479-82;
Guan Y*, Zhang Y, Wu J, Qi Z, Yang G, Dou D, Gao Y, Chen L, Zhang X, Davis LS, Wei M, Fan X, Carmosino M, Hao C, Imig JD, Breyer RM, Breyer MD.Antihypertensive effects of selective prostaglandin E2 receptor subtype 1 targeting. J Clin Invest. 2007;117(9):2496-505.
Cha DR, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Wu J, Su D, Han JY, Fang X, Yu B, Breyer MD, Guan Y*.Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha/gamma dual agonist tesaglitazarattenuates diabetic nephropathy in db/db mice. Diabetes. 2007 Aug;56(8):2036-45
Kanjanabuch T, Ma LJ, Chen J, Pozzi A, Guan Y, Mundel P, Fogo AB.PPAR-gamma agonist protects podocytes from injury. Kidney Int. 2007 Jun;71(12):1232-9.
Guan Y*: Thiazolidinediones: A class of therapeutic drugs for diabetic nephropathy? Kidney Int.2007 Dec;72(11):1301-3 (Editorial Commentary);
Fan Y, Wang Y, Tang Z, Zhang H, Qin X, Zhu Y, Guan Y, Wang X, Staels B, Chien S, Wang N. Suppression of Proinflammatory Adhesion Molecules by PPAR-{delta} in Human Vascular Endothelial Cells. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2008 Feb;28(2):315-21.
Zhu M, Fu Y, Hou Y, Wang N, Guan Y, Tang C, Shyy JY, Zhu Y. Laminar shear stress regulates liver X receptor in vascular endothelial cells. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2008 Mar;28(3):527-33.
Yang J, Chen L, Zhang X, Zhou Y, Zhang D, Huo M, Guan Y*: PPARs and female reproduction: Evidence from genetically manipulated mice.  PPAR Research. 2008;2008:723243 (invited review).
Qin X, Xie X, Fan Y, Tian J, Guan Y, Wang X, Zhu Y, Wang NPARb/d induces insulin-induced gene-1 and suppressed hepatic lipogenesis in obese diabetic mice. Hepatology 2008;48:432-441;
Ruan X, Zheng F, Guan Y*: PPAR and the kidney in the metabolic syndrome.  Am. J. Physiol.-Renal Physiol. 2008 May;294(5):F1032-47 (invited review).
Zhang X, Yu S, Galson D, Luo M, Fan J, Zhang J, Guan Y, Xiao G. Activating transcription factor 4 is critical for proliferation and survival in primary bone marrow stromal cells and calvarial osteoblasts. J Cell Biochem. 2008 Oct 15;105(3):885-95;
Zhou Y, Wu J, Zhang X, Yang G, ChenL, Wei M, Zhang Y, Breyer MD, Guan Y*: Expression profiling of hepatic genes associated with lipid metabolism in nephrotic rats. Am. J. Physiol.-Renal Physiol. 2008 Sep;295(3):F662-71.
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Wu J, Chen L, Zhang D, Huo M, Pu D and Guan Y*: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors and renal diseases. Front Biosci. 2009 Jan 1;14:995-1009.  (invited review).
Wang J, Bai L, Li J, Sun C, Zhao J, Cui C, Han K, Liu Y, Zhuo X, Wang T, Liu P, Fan F, Guan Y, Ma A. Proteomic analysis of mitochondria reveals a metabolic switch from fatty acid oxidation to glycolysis in the failing heart. Sci China C Life Sci. 2009 Nov;52(11):1003-10.
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Xu G, Li Y, An W, Li S, Guan Y, Wang N, Tang C, Wang X, Zhu Y, Li X, Mulholland MW, Zhang W. Gastric mammalian target of rapamycin signaling regulates ghrelin production and food intake. Endocrinology. 2009 Aug;150(8):3637-44;
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Tsai MC, Chen L, Zhou J, Tang Z, Hsu TF, Wang Y, Shih YT, Peng HH, Wang N, Guan Y, Chien S, Chiu JJ. Shear Stress Induces Synthetic-to-Contractile Phenotypic Modulation in Smooth Muscle Cells via Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor {alpha}/{delta} Activations by Prostacyclin Released by Sheared Endothelial Cells. Circ Res. 2009; 105:471-480;
Zhang H, Wang WP, Guo T, Yang JC, Chen P, Ma KT, Guan Y, Zhou CY. The LIM-Homeodomain Protein ISL1 Activates Insulin Gene Promoter Directly through Synergy with BETA2. J Mol Biol. 2009; 392(3):566-77;
Cheng H, Fan X, Guan Y, Moeckel GW, Zent R, Harris RC. Distinct roles for basal and induced COX-2 in podocyte injury. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2009 Sep;20(9):1953-62.
Miao J, Fan Q, Cui Q, Zhang H, Chen L, Wang S, Guan N, Guan Y, Ding J. Newly identified cytoskeletal components are associated with dynamic changes of podocyte foot processes. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2009; 24(11):3297-3305
Ruan X and Guan Y: Metabolic syndrome and chronic kidney disease. Journal of Diabetes 2009;1:236-245
Chen L, Yang G, Zhang X, Wu J, Gu Q, Wei M, Zhu Y, Wang N, Guan Y*: Induction of MIF expression by oxidized LDL via activation of NF-κB in vascular smooth muscle cells. Atherosclerosis 2009 Dec;207(2):428-33;
Wang Q, Zhang Y, Lu M, Guan Y, Zhu Y, Wang Y. Renal over expression of soluble epoxide hydrolase in rat with hypertension induced by high-salt]. Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao. 2010 Apr 18;42(2):126-30. Chinese.
Fan F, Zhu S, Chen L, Zou Y, Fan L, Kang J, Ma A, Guan Y*. The Role of PGE2 and Its Receptors in the Process of the Ductus Arteriosus Maturation and Functional Closure in Rabbit. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 2010;37:574-580;
Yang J, Chi Y, Burkhardt BR, Guan Y and Wolf BA. Leucine metabolism in regulation of insulin secretion from panceatic beta cells. Nutrition Reviews. 2010, 68(5): 270-279.
Zhang D, Chen L, Zhang Y, Yang G, Qia, Gao Y, Zhang X,Kong X, Wei M, Pu D, Breyer MD, Guan Y*. Enhanced Pressor Action of Angiotensin II in Mice Lacking Membrane-Associated Prostaglandin E2 Synthase-1.Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2010 31:1284-1292;
Wang R, Kong X, Cui A, Liu XJ, Xiang R, Yang Y, Guan Y, Fang F, Chang Y. SREBP-1c Mediates the Effect of Insulin on the Expression of Cidea in Mouse Hepatocytes. Biochem J. 2010 Sep 1;430(2):245-54;
Xu G, Li Y, An W, Zhao J, Xiang X, Ding L, Li Z, Guan Y, Wang X, Tang C, Zhu Y, Wang N, Li X, Mulholland M, Zhang W. Regulation of gastric hormones by systemic rapamycin. Peptides. 2010 Dec;31(12):2185-92. Epub 2010 Sep 8.
An W, Li Y, Xu G, Zhao J, Xiang X, Ding L, Li J, Guan Y, Wang X, Tang C, Li X, Mulholland M, Zhang W. Modulation of ghrelin o-acyltransferase expression in pancreatic islets. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2010;26(4-5):707-16. Epub 2010 Oct 29;
Cao H, Yu S, Yao Z, Galson DL, Jiang Y, Zhang X, Fan J, Lu B, Guan Y, Luo M, Lai Y,
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Stitt-Cavanagh E., Faour WH., Takami K, Carter A,  Vanderhyden B, Guan Y, Schneider A, Breyer MD, and Kennedy CRJ.. A Maladaptive Role for EP4 Receptors in Podocytes. J Am Soc Nephrol Oct;21(10):1678-90. Epub 2010 Jul 29.
Wang C, Guan Y, Yang J. Cytokines in the Progression of Pancreatic β-Cell Dysfunction.Int J Endocrinol. 2010;2010:515136;
Zhang D, Kong X, Wang K, Mao X, Yan X, Wang Y, Liu S, Zhang X, Li J, Chen L, Wu J, Wei M, Yang J, and Guan Y*. Proteomics analysis reveals diabetic kidney as a ketogenic organ in type 2 diabetes. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2011 300:E296-E303;
Fan F, Ma A, Guan Y*, Huo J, Hu Z, Tian H, Chen L, Zhu S, Fan L. Effect of PGE2 on DA tone by EP4 modulating Kv channels with different oxygen tension between preterm and term. Int J Cardiol. 2009 Sep 1. [Epub ahead of print]
Zhou Y, Kong X, Zhao P, Chen L, Yang H, Zhang X, Wei M, Guan Y*. Renoprotective Role of Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor-Alpha in Adriamycin-induced Podocyte Injury. Kidney Int. 2011 (in press);
Zhao M.M, Xu MJ, Cai Y, Zhao G, Guan Y, Kong W, Tang C, Wang X. Mitochondrial O2.- Promoting p65 Nuclear Translocation Mediates High-phosphate-induced Vascular Calcification In Vitro and In Vivo. Kidney Int. 2011 (in press);
Pang W, Li N, Ai D, Niu XL, Guan Y, Zhu Y. Activation of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ Downregulates Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase in Cardiomyocytes. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2011 Feb 3. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1681.2011.05492.x. [Epub ahead of print];
Li J, Chi Y, Wang C, Zhang Y, Wu J, Yang H, Zang H, Zhang D, Zhu Y, Wang N, Yang J, Guan Y*. Pancreatic-derived factor promotes lipogenesis in the liver: Role of FOXO1 signaling pathway. Hepatology 2011 (in press);
Zhang R , Lu J , Hu C , Wang C, Yu W, Ma X, Bao Y, Xiang K, Guan Y, Jia W. common polymorphism of CYP4A11 is associated with blood pressure in a Chinese population. Hypertens Res. advance online publication, February 17, 2011; doi:10.1038/hr.2011.8
Qiao A, Liang J, Ke Y, Liu X, Cui Y, Shen L,Zhang H, Cui A, Liu C, Chen Y, Guan Y , Fang F, Chang Y. Mouse PNPLA3 influences systemic lipid and glucose homeostasis. Hepatology 2011 (accepted);
Yang H, Zhang X, Kong X, Zhao P, Li J, Han Q, Yang J, Zhu Y, Guan Y*. AMP-activated protein kinase potentiates hypertonicity-induced apoptosis by blocking the NFκB/COX-2 survival pathway in renal medullary interstitial cells. J Am Soc Nephrol 2011 (accepted);
Zhu S, Zhao1 P, Xue R, Fan F, Kong X, Zhen S, Han Q, Zhu Y, Wang N, Yang J, Guan Y. Targeted disruption of the prostaglandin E2 EP2 receptor exacerbates vascular neointima formation in mice. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2011 (accepted);
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